Live Below the Line: a vegan charity challenge

Howdy fellow vegetarians/vegans/blog readers alike!

I am very excited to tell you that I will be taking part in a challenge called ‘Live Below the Line’, from Monday to Friday next week, whereby I will be eating and drinking on £5 (£1 a day), in order to raise money for Action Against Hunger, a humanitarian organisation ‘committed to ending child hunger’ and providing long-term solutions to water and food supplies in communities across 45 countries.

The great thing about this challenge is that it almost necessitates a vegetarian or vegan diet because meat is so expensive, so it really encourages people to try a veggie diet for a while and see how they manage, as well as cutting down on meat consumption and realising that meat is, actually, a massive luxury for us privileged few in the western world.

I have not done any charity fundraising in a while, instead preferring volunteering, so I have set myself a modest target of £100. For those kind people reading this, I would be so so grateful for any donation, no matter how small, to help me reach my target for this wonderful charity.

If you’re interested, the link to make a donation is here: and it’s probably worth donating just to see a student not drink alcohol for a week!!

I’m really looking forward to this challenge and am looking forward to doing my bit for a great charity, and will keep this blog update with my progress throughout the week, including my shopping trip tomorrow!

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